
At Central Optimization, we are committed to empowering our clients with knowledge and resources that enhance well optimization, maintenance, testing, and reporting. Whether you’re looking for advice on converting a pumpjack to a plunger lift, exploring advanced well testing methods, or understanding the cost-saving benefits of pre-abandonment testing, you’ll find valuable resources here.

Our goal is to help you streamline your operations, save time, and reduce costs. Dive in and explore the wealth of information we’ve curated to support your success.

Optimization Academy

As you may have already noticed, we love to both educate as well as find ways to save our clients time and money. And on a daily basis, we find there are always ample opportunities for us to do both.

Manuals, Specs & More

Explore our comprehensive collection of manuals and specifications. Download detailed documents and quick user guides, and watch training videos to master the basics and advanced features of our equipment.

In The Media

Discover the latest news and insights from Central Optimization. Learn about our innovative well testing methods, the importance of pre-abandonment testing, and our rise as Alberta’s leading well optimization star.